Linda McGill is an artist, writer and teacher who thrives in the moment of understanding, both for herself and others. She facilitates the use of art and the written word to create images that expand awareness, personal power and growth. She conducts workshops and retreats where “the true self can be ‘drawn’ forth” in a safe and inviting environment. Linda believes that everything we search for we already have inside us, needing only new eyes to see and understand it. “This is the role of personal art and creativity - to give us tools so we can see ourselves, each other, and our world, from new perspectives.”
Linda has a B.A. in Art and a M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Marylhurst University, Portland, OR. She has taught art at the high school and college level in Oregon and California.
Hosted by: Linda McGill and Mike McCutchan
First aired: March 1, 2013
Length: 30 Minutes
Contact Linda or Mike:
Mike McCutchan has over 30 years experience in the radio and television industries. He has owned and operated several radio and television stations in California and Oregon. Mike earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications from a Southern California University. He is an award winning broadcaster and has earned several certifications related to broadcasting. Mike’s experience ranges from management of broadcast facilities to writing and recording scripts for clients to production of full length radio and television shows. His “first love” is being "On-the-Air" He is one of the founders of The Source Center and The Source Center Radio.

About the Show
Who and what are we really? If we are what we believe we are, are our beliefs big enough to encompass our life as a masterpiece. Or, are our beliefs limited and confined as a result of our having surrendered the brush to others to paint their definitions of us upon the blank canvas of our beliefs about ourselves?
Our intention with each show is to explore, expand and bring awareness of what it is to be human. When you open your heart and think deeply with sincere attention and mindul concentration you become mindful of the presence of the Divine. Our goal is to be a catalyst for expansion of self-understanding and to provide you a deeper awareness into this thing we call "life". We hope you'll listen in.
Linda and Mike
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All programs are the property of The Source Center and The Source Center Radio and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of The Source Center.
The Source Center Radio™, Salem, Oregon
All rights reserved
"The place where positive change takes flight"
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Transformaton Part 2
Clearing Space for What We Want
Empowerment or Disempowerment
We Choose Happiness or Suffering
Encore Presentation of May 2014 show
Letting Go - Linda's Experience
Wants and Needs - A Deeper Meaning
Linda's Perspective on Heartbreak's Purpose
Going Beyond Desire
Going with the Flow
Introductory Show
Being a Transceiver (Sending/Receiving)
The Pain of Living the BIG Lie
We Have Everything We Need Inside Us
Where's the Map?
To what End Do We Do All This Work?
What Does Faith Have to Do with It?
What is it all for?
Why do we do this work?
Birthing Christ Conciousness
Going with the Flow - Part 2
Going with the Flow - Part 3
Going with the Flow - Part 4