Dr. Paul Haider is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the author of many books, having created many audio programs and videos, and has appeared on radio shows and television. His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.
Dr. Haider holds a Doctoral Degree in Religious Studies from Emerson Institute, a Degree in Psychology from the Union Institute, and he is a Master Herbalist. He has certifications in Hypnosis, Reiki, Qigong and Yoga. Dr. Haider was also associate professor at UC Davis, UW Madison, Monterey Community College in Calif.
Hosted by: Dr. Paul Haider
First aired: Sept 1, 2010
Length: 30 Minutes
Contact Paul at:
The Relaxed Soul will assist you with becoming a leader in your own life. Helping you to raise yourself up and connect to the one and only source (GOD). You can feel at peace and passionate about being alive. My intent with my show is to inspire you to grow, change, and find the greatness you hold deep within you. I'll give you healthy ways of living via my herbal tips -- leading your family to better health.
Dr. Paul Haider
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Dr. Haider is fondly called the “The Master of Peace” by his fans. Despite being dyslexic as a child, unable to read and do math, with much persistence and effort Paul overcame these obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how they can overcome anything… and have a “YOU CAN” attitude.
When he's not traveling the globe delivering uplifting messages, Paul is writing from his home in beautiful Puerto Rico. Dr. Haider is also Minister for “The Center for Creative Living Church” in Puerto Rico.
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